Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Wandering Mind

I once had a wandering mind.  I hope to have one again.

In my recent de-cluttering, I uncovered some books I’d never read.  Many were from a former book festival I’d organized.  Author Charles de Lint attended one year and he inscribed The Ivory and the Horn to me, “Dream True.”  In this book, a series of short stories, the characters enter into imaginary situations that cross over into their “real” lives.  At first I found it difficult to “get into”, but then it became absorbing.  I let the original stories carry me away. 

What does it mean to “Dream True”?

Dreams or daydreams are raw material for creativity.  Daydreams may provide ideas you act on later.  Daydreams open you up to possibilities.

Doodling, likewise, is another form of “dreaming true”. Drawing while seemly unfocused and unaware of your immediate surroundings, actually increases memory retention. A study published in the Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology showed that doodlers actually retain more information from meetings than non-doodlers—they are both “here” and “there”. It means that in this wandering-mind state, you draw your way to awareness!

I now give myself permission more often to let my mind wander and I’m taking up doodling.  It’s important for artists to have a wandering mind.  As Charles de Lint says, “Dream True’! 

Recently I took a trip to Tucson.  Enjoy this little photo from my "wanderings" around Tohono Chul Park.
My visit to the park was courtesy of a pass provided by John Tuttle Clymer MD
  In memory of John Tuttle Clymer, MD June 27, 1925-March 19, 2014
Whose inquisitive mind and kind heart spread much wisdom and joy in this world.

I’d like to hear from YOU!  Please leave comments and questions.

Just a few days remaining to get down to the Tipping Paint Gallery special exhibit, “Eggistentialism” to benefit Urban Ministries.  The show reflects the joy and beauty of chickens and eggs, the gardens they live in and urban farming.  April 1-26.

My paintings are available at Cary Gallery of Artists 200 S. Academy St. in downtown Cary Ashworth Village (link) 919-462-2035 Mon-Sat 11 am-5:30 pm.

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