Sunday, November 23, 2014

Packing Memories

We just took one of those trips where we dipped into the past and dipped into the future. A foot in both places. We traveled to Key West, Florida.  Walt has memories of traveling through the Keys as a teenager, fishing in the waters, and a boyhood friend.  This childhood friend, who he most associates with Key West, died unexpectedly just before we left for the trip; we thought and spoke of him as we drove along the highway into Key West and often during our stay. 

"Once A Refuge"  Oil Pastel Sketch
It was my first journey to this area of Florida and it was chosen as an outdoor oil painting vacation.  As the time approached for the trip, I had misgivings about the oil painting.  I had just finished a 30/30 challenge (30 paintings in 30 days) in September, had recently participated in some plein air events, and worked hard on several exhibits.  I wanted a break from my usual oil painting routine.  I packed a traveling set of watercolors.  Then I looked through my art cabinet and pulled out an old box of art materials that had belonged to my art teacher mother.  Many, many years had passed since her death. These supplies were a tangible connection between us and our love of art, and I hadn’t wanted to consume them.  But I was now ready to use the beautiful colored conte′ crayons and oil pastels, and honor the enjoyment she had with them.  So I packed them in my suitcase with some suitable paper.  Here was a gift of new possibilities from my mother just waiting to be opened.

Key West Lighthouse watercolor sketch
We packed another memory for this trip—the memory of a painting my grandfather, an accomplished architect and watercolorist, had done of the Key West lighthouse.  It was a delight for us to find the spot from which he viewed the lighthouse and sketch it ourselves.

At this time of Thanksgiving and thoughts of family, I am especially aware how grateful I am for my artistic heritage. The memories we recalled reinforced our feelings about just how enhanced are lives are even as we are saddened by losses long past and near past.  We’re indebted and appreciative in the most enthusiastic way.
"Waiting for Baby" oil
The NOW is bringing a NEW gift with unlimited possibility —a grandchild and grand-parenthood!  

(I'll tell you in the next issue if I'm a grandmother and also about what we saw in Key West, artists we met, and about six-toed cats and sandwich-eating chickens!)

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My paintings are available at my studio in Cary, NC, online at Sheffield Art Studio and at my Daily Paintworks Gallery (see also clickable link above right)

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